by Jeffry Kuznicki, Jr., Director of Music and Liturgy
3rd of a 5 part response to the "Ask the Liturgist" question "How do you pick the music for Mass?" I have described the "bones" of what Liturgical music is and the "meat" of the Church's teachings regarding music in the Liturgy. This is the part you've been waiting for, where I really begin to describe my process (aware of the Ordinary and Proper and other sung parts of the Mass, and having been formed by Liturgical Documents). One of the primary considerations is aligning the hymns with the readings, but this is not the only consideration. Click the link to read more.
by Jeffry Kuznicki, Jr., Director of Music and Liturgy
2nd of a 5 part response to the "Ask the Liturgist" question "How do you pick the music for Mass?" Having talked about the various texts and prayers of the Mass and what does and doesn't change from week to week, we now need to know a little more about the formation of a Liturgist and Music Director. Formation, provided by the Church in her documents and teachings, is critical to how I choose the hymns for Mass. If I didn't have this formation my choices would almost certainly be different than they are. Today, I'll touch briefly upon 5 major texts that have aided in my formation as a Church Musician and Director.
by Jeffry Kuznicki, Jr., Director of Music and Liturgy
1st of a 5 part response to the "Ask the Liturgist" question "How do you pick the music for Mass?" To answer the question of how I pick the music for Mass, first, we need to talk about what makes music in the Mass. What do I have some liberty to choose? What is more fixed and unchanging? Here we will discover the Ordinary, the Proper, and situational music as they all relate to the Mass today.